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To Be Moved

To be moved: to be affected emotionally

Example 1:

Taka: I just
saw that new movie everyone has been talking about!

Sarah: Really? You mean the one
with that child actor, Josh Roberts?

Taka: Yes, he really did a
wonderful job acting. The movie is about a boy who is blind, but learns how to
do amazing things. I was really
moved in many of the scenes in
the movie. In fact, I even cried a couple of times because his acting was so

Sarah: Wow! I didn’t think it was
possible for a 10 year old child to act so well in a part like that, but I
heard that he has been nominated for many awards.

Taka: I know! I saw him accepting
an award on TV last night and I was even moved by his speech! He thanked
his parents and sister. He seems like such a nice boy.

Sarah: Ahhh. That’s so sweet,
especially coming from a 10 year old.

Taka: Yes, it’s hard not to be moved when a child is so talented
and speaks so well.

Example 2:

Ken: What’s a matter, Jackie?
You look so sad!

Jackie: Oh, sorry. I’ve been crying
a lot.

Ken: Oh, no! Why? What made you
so upset?

Jackie: Today was my last day
teaching TOEFL at LSI. I’ve decided to go abroad and teach ESL in Korea.

OK. So shouldn’t you be happy and excited?

I am excited, but I’ll miss my students a lot. Today, they gave me a card and a
homemade cake at the end of class. I was
really moved by their kindness.
They were a great class and many of them are my friends.

I know that can be hard leaving one place and going to another.

I was so moved that I started crying and just couldn’t stop!

It’s OK. Soon you’ll be starting your new job abroad and you’ll be fine.

Yes, I know. And I have a lot of really good memories.

To be moved means
to be affected emotionally by something or someone. In the first example, the
movie and the child actor really moved Taka. In the second example, the going
away party the TOEFL class gave Jackie really moved her.

This idiom
can be found in the upcoming new edition of Reading Horizons. This book is used
at LSI schools in the level 6 Reading/Vocabulary classes. For more information,
please visit:

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