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To be in someone's shoes

Context #1

Christine: I heard that Jane’s going to break
up with her boyfriend.
Veronica: Yeah, she caught him cheating on
her. I would break up with him too if I were in her shoes.

Context #2

David: Due to the recent budget cuts, I
have to lay off 2 people next month.
Steve: That’s going to be hard because I
know your employees all have families to care for. I wouldn’t want to be
in your shoes.

David: Gee, thanks!

Meaning: “to be in someone’s shoes”
means to be in their situation.  It is used to think about what your would
do if you were facing the same things that they are facing. 


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    Thanks a whole lot for sharing, guys … Always appreciated … Can't wait for more … Keep up the good work …

    Russian ESL Students


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